Tech Tips

How to get hired by U.S. business clients

Samyra Ramos

Why move to a country for a new job when you can work from home for an international company? Think about it, working away from home can be very difficult: being far from friends and family, learning how to be immersed in a new country and culture. The good news is that, nowadays, many professionals can work from home, instead of changing their lives to get a better job. In this article, we will show you what occupations are in demand in the market and how you can be working from home for U.S. clients.

Why work for a company in the U.S.?

Before we get started on how to get hired by companies in the United States, let’s take a quick look at why you might want to start this journey. Perhaps you want to learn a new skill, maybe many of your friends shifted to remote work during the pandemic, or, maybe it’s because you’re looking to earn a higher salary than one you would earn with a company in your hometown. Either way, there are ups and downs to working for a company based in a different country. For example, it sometimes can be challenging to deal with cultural differences. However, many people find that one of the benefits to working for U.S. companies or clients is the ability to work from home.

Working from home

Am I going to be productive working remotely? Can I concentrate on my job if I am at home? How is my mental health going to be if I’m not going to the office everyday? These questions are very common when people wonder if they will adapt to a new reality. Many people doubt they can get used to working remotely. In this section, we will be answering some of your questions so you can make the best decision for your career.

1. Should I work in the same place that I rest?

No. Working remotely is not the same thing as working from home. There are plenty of coworking spaces where you can go everyday and establish a routine. Some of the most famous are: Impact Hub, WeWork, Alley, Knotel, District Cowork, Make Office, Industrious Office. If your city doesn't have any of those options, don't worry. Check for other coworking spaces or even rent a room so you have a specific place to focus on your job. On the other hand, if you have a space like that in your home, you can use it just for work and keep it separate from your personal space.

2. Can I really be productive at home?

It depends a lot on you, but you can have strategies to learn how to be productive working remotely. Having an organized routine, focus time, moments to exercise and specific moments for breaks can give you a possibility of a very healthy working life. If you have kids, you need to make sure they understand that you are working but being at home will also give you the opportunity to look after them more closely.

One helpful tip is to establish goals. When you define the path you have to follow and the objectives you need to achieve, your work will be focused on accomplishing those results. With simple structure, you can be really productive working from home. If you are already working remotely and want to improve your productivity, check our article with 5 tips to optimize your remote work routine.

3. Is working from home good for my mental health?

It also depends a lot on you. You have to identify what are the pros and cons and how you feel in the different working environments. Some people may feel a lot more comfortable working physically in a company location, while others feel that they can have a better life and a better routine without the stress of having to leave home for work. Analyze and decide which type of job best fits your needs.

What areas are hiring people remotely?

Many job opportunities have increased for remote workers after the pandemic. We will show you some of the most hired positions so you can check if you fit in any of the options:

  • Finance

Working with finance gives you an opportunity to make money from home. You can work as an advisor, an accountant or a financial assistant. Even though experience is required, you can do your job completely from home.

  • IT

IT professionals have been dealing with remote work even before the pandemic. But if you work with development, or product testing one thing to do is to be sure to keep your LinkedIn profile updated and check for available positions.

  • Consumer service

Many companies are using remote positions to hire customer service representatives. In some situations, no college degree is necessary but for some companies, it's mandatory.

  • Marketing

In the era of social media, marketing is an essential part in the success of every company. If you already work in the marketing field, you can check for online positions to create content, branding and awareness of a company and managing social media. All of this can be done remotely.

  • Editing

Editing has many fields, and you can work in this area if you edit texts or even videos. With the advance of Youtube, many video editors are required, as some channels have more than one video per day. Also, online editing is frequently used in editorials and in marketing content creation.

How can I get hired by a U.S. company?

We already went through some of the pros and cons of working remotely, and also what type of profile the companies are searching for. In this section, we will give some tips on how can you get a job with a company in the United States:

1. Keep your LinkedIn profile updated

We've already mentioned that, but if you're searching for a remote job, it's essential that you keep all the information updated on your LinkedIn profile. It is very important that you pay attention to the information you put on your description, as it should be focused on the job you want to get. If you want to work with a specific technology or you are a master of a particular technology, don't forget to mention it in your bio. To get more information about this topic, check our article with 7 tips to improve your LinkedIn profile.

2. Improve your English

If you're not born in an English speaking country, maybe you don't feel 100% secure speaking in English, but you don't have to wait until that point to apply for a company overseas. You need to have in mind that people will know that English is not your native language and the most important thing is to communicate. But if you want to succeed, improvement is very important, so focus on conversational classes to improve your language skills even more.

3. Apply for all the jobs opportunities that matches your qualifications

We sometimes get really scared when applying for a new company, firstly because we are afraid to fail. But remember, you will never succeed if you don't learn from failures! Job interviews can teach you a lot about how to communicate, to explain who you are as an employee, what to charge for your services and to study for the technical challenges you might find. Don't be afraid to apply for companies that match the technologies that you use, if you don't get the job you will certainly get knowledge and experience.

4. Practice a lot for the interviews

Being a very technical person is important if you're applying for a position in tech, however, it's not everything. You're going to work with other people, creating something with a team. So, practice for the interviews not only focusing on the technical side, but also on the behavioral questions. If you want to learn more about how to prepare for a job interview, check our article on How to prepare for job interviews in tech companies.

5. Try working for foreign companies as a freelancer

When you work for a company overseas many things need to be considered: how much am I going to charge them for this service? Am I going to be able to negotiate in another language? What abilities do they expect me to have? So, having some freelancing jobs can help you out with getting used to foreign companies. Some very famous freelancing companies are: Workana, Fiverr, Toptal and Upwork. Using these websites you can find jobs that may suit you and even decide if you want to apply to a freelance project or a longer contract.

Are you ready to join the global workforce?

Working from home has ups and downs, but after the pandemic many people found that they could be very productive working remotely: no stress with traffic jams, more flexibility to be close to the family, improved punctuality to meetings. This scenario made a lot of people find the perfect balance with their work routine and a healthier lifestyle.

We hope you found some helpful explanations on the advantages of working from home, what jobs are in demand, and how you can be one of those people working for a company in the U.S.

When working remotely for a U.S. company, sometimes the hardest part is not finding the job, but getting paid! The team at Higlobe is completely remote and international. To take advantage of this new way of working and ease of getting paid, we built an international payment transfer solution. If you work remotely for a company based in the USA, sign up for Higlobe today!

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